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Gynecomastia is a procedure that can easily be performed under local anesthesia in male breast reduction cases. Some men do like the added benefits of sedation along with local anesthesia for male breast reduction. In fact, it is very rare to have general anesthesia for gynecomastia surgery. The type of anesthesia that will be recommended for gynecomastia depends upon a variety of factors, including:
· Patient’s desire for the type of anesthesia to be used for gynecomastia.
· Medical conditions that might present a higher risk.
· Patient comfort, particularly in the case of adolescents whereby local anesthesia and sedation may be the better choice should they become restless during the male breast reduction procedure.
· The severity of the gynecomastia condition and level of surgery required to produce optimal results. When the case is severe, it may be more likely to have local anesthesia and sedation.
Local Anesthesia and Sedation for Gynecomastia
Local anesthesia is administered at the surgical site through an injection. In addition, local anesthesia in the form of lidocaine is injected into the treatment area while the gynecomastia procedure is being performed. This is usually all that is needed to have gynecomastia surgery. In some cases, sedation may also be administered and may be in the form of inhalation, oral, or intravenous. This combination allows the patient to be in a semi-conscious state. It is also sometimes referred to as twilight sedation whereby the patient may not be fully aware of surroundings and may fall asleep. Male breast reduction patients utilizing the local anesthesia alone or the combination of local anesthesia and sedation have a reduced amount of recovery and may not have as many post operative symptoms to manage as when performed under general anesthesia. In addition, the procedure is simple enough and less invasive than most plastic surgery procedures so general anesthesia is not warranted. In fact, there are greater risks associated with general anesthesia when compared to the local anesthesia or local anesthesia and sedation combination.
Selecting a Plastic Surgeon for Gynecomastia
The risk for complications in gynecomastia is very low overall, particularly when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, board certified anesthesiologist and in a fully accredited facility. For example, Dr. Blau has been a board certified plastic surgeon for more than twenty years. He employs a staff of board certified anesthesiologists and his Westchester New York plastic surgery facility is fully accredited byThe Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations which is the governing body that oversees accreditation standards for hospitals.
Tips for Reducing Complications from Anesthesia
There are several considerations that will be reviewed at the time of consultation for gynecomastia, including the disclosure of critical information that can reduce the risk of complications, such as:
- The types of medications that are being taken prior to the procedure such as steroids, marijuana, prescribed medications, over-the-counter drugs and natural healing remedies.
- Medical conditions
- Level of anxiety about the procedure
- Risk of adverse effects that were discovered by the patient when under anesthesia previously.
Male breast reduction patients can rest assured that every precaution will be taken to avoid complications at Dr. Blau’s plastic surgery practice. In fact, the time that is required for anesthesia in the case of gynecomastia is relatively low, especially when compared with other plastic surgery procedures. Regardless of the choice made for the type of anesthesia, the results of the gynecomastia procedure are well received by Dr. Blau’s male breast reduction patients.