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By Brian Garvin And Jeff West
Jewels by Park Lane was officially founded in Chicago in 1955 by Shirley and Arthur LeVin. The company prides itself on defining the American Dream because what started as a family business is now the highest volume producing direct jewelry sales/party planning company in the world. Jewels by Park Lane offers jewelry that has an unconditional satisfaction guarantee.
The headquarters for the Jewels by Park Lane Independent Consultant company are now located in Schaumburg, Illinois. It is still a private company and it now has over fifteen thousand independent sales representatives. You can buy jewelry made by Jewels by Park Lane in both the United States and in Mexico. The price to start your own Independent Consultant business ranges from thirty three dollars (US) for the Earn your kit starter program to almost four hundred dollars (US) for the Deluxe starter program kit. Potential Consultants can also purchase a website to use for their business (it, of course, is offered at an additional fee).
Jewels by Park Lane promises that consultants will not have to worry about inventory because they wont be required to stock any. They can also take advantage of a car bonus program, freedom from having to pack and deliver products and freedom from collecting on customer accounts. Jewels by Park Lane also promises a weekly commission check for its consultants. Jewels by Park Lane sales Consultants are also encouraged to recruit other sales consultants who will work for them. This down will provide the first consultant with even more earning power which will help him or her move up to different levels within the company.
Unfortunately exact details are a little sketchy and finding out more requires the inputting of personal information. Jewels by Park Lane is set up do have as much person to person contact as possible, which can be a good thing and also a bad thing.
Jewels by Park Lane resembles most other MLM programs out there. Consultants arent required to recruit a down line, but they wont maximize their earnings without one. Also, having to give out personal information to get better details is a little bit worrisome, especially as we couldnt find anything that promised not to sell the personal information that is collected through their contact us portals.
The most you will be out, should you decide to become a Jewels by Park Lane Consultant, is the minimal starter kit fee. After that whether you make money or lose money is up to you, but for a company dealing with jewelry, the start up cost is very low. It is this that gives us incentive to believe that they are a legitimate company out to make their money through jewelry sales and not starter kit profits. This is also something to think about before joining.
As with any company, make sure to do your research on Jewels by Park Lane before signing any contracts. The more you know the better prepared youll be to earn money!
About the Author: You can read our Unbiased, expert review of
Jewels by Park Lane
from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at
MLM Review Kings
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