By CJ Carroll
In case you haven’t noticed, photo sharing websites are really sophisticated. Today, you can do more than just save and share your precious memories! You can add a whole new dimension to each photo that really brings them alive. How? Check out the new audio recording feature. It’s totally amazing! Not only can you see all the wonderful images, now you can actually hear voices of the people you love.
Last week, I was searching for a site to post and share my latest batch of photos. I went on Google and searched ‘easy photo sharing’ (you can use any of the popular search engines), and in seconds I was looking at a fantastic new feature that will add a entire new dimension to preserving your memories .. . voice recording.
Adding your voice adds so much more to your photos
Imagine being able to listen to your child’s voice from when they were just three or four ears old Or being able to hear your Dad’s voice again several years after his passing! I had tears in my eyes as I imagined the amazing possibilities. Instead of just seeing merely a photo, I could hear the voices of my friends and loved ones.
Immediately my mind filled in the blanks with a flood of forgotten memories. My mind raced back in time to some of those really special moments with my little girl — brushing her hair before she went off to preschool, helping pick out her outfits, even teaching her to ride her bicycle.
If easy photo sharing is all about memories, here is the ultimate experience. A particular moment is frozen poignantly, unforgettably. And I can’t tell you how incredible it all feels to tell the story behind the story. It adds a whole new dimension to easy photo sharing.
You can actually create dynamic presentations — complete with words, voice over and background music! And the people who are nearest and dearest to you can add their memories to your stories with photos, words and voice. The possibilities are endless .. . and totally awesome!
It’s easier than you think to add your voice to your photos
Believe me, I’m not an expert when it comes to the computer. But these photo sharing sites are so simple and easy. They walk you through everything step-by-step.
I was so inspired and my creative juices just got flowing. In no time, I created scrapbooks just like a professional. These were beautiful presentation books I know would be passed down from generation to generation.
I’m so lucky I found this when I did! My daughter’s Sweet 16 is right around the corner and I’m creating a customized photo album jam-packed with everyone’s photos from the time she was little. It’s a real living legacy complete with the voices of all her friends and loved ones.
So, if you want to stay connected as you never have before, check out how easy it is to share photos online. There’s a whole new world of possibilities waiting for you.
About the Author: CJ Carroll writes for a variety of clients, including Hoorray, a photo sharing website that offers a
free online photo album
to new members and is the easiest place to create a
digital photo album
, calendar, and more.
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