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By Tyra Smith
The thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure created to help tighten the thigh’s skin to reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh region. Many surgeons perform this operation on its own or in combination with other procedures, except when liposuction is performed. Most doctors use this as a rule of thumb.
Patients, whose inner thighs do not appear to be in proportion with their body due to excess fatty deposits, may use liposuction as the first step of action to be rid of the tissue. After a specified period of time, a reevaluation will determine if indeed a thigh lift will be beneficial for the outcome you are seeking to achieve.
If the skin of the inner thigh sags, the thigh lift will tighten up the skin, smoothing over the contours of the thigh. People who have undergone gastric bypass and lost a drastic amount of weight are ideal candidates. This is usually done in combination with a full body lift.
Performed as an outpatient procedure undergoing general anesthesia, the surgery may also be done in combination with a butt lift. Many doctors plan for the surgery so that the scar is hidden within the groin crease. The excess skin and fat are then removed while the remaining thigh skin is lifted and tightened. After surgery it is recommended that enough rest be taken, as not to alter the healing process. Thigh lift surgery usually takes one to two weeks for recovery, and patients should plan to take seven to ten days off from work.
Who can benefit from getting a thigh lift?
If your inner thighs are very large and have a lot of fatty tissue a thigh lift may be an option, but it is best to do liposuction first to rid the thighs as much as possible of the excess tissue. After a few months the inner thigh is reevaluated to see if the patient will benefit from a thigh lift. In some instances, a thigh lift is recommended.
If the inner thigh skin sags or is droopy, a thigh lift is ideal because it will tighten up the skin and smoothe over the contour of the inner thigh. People who have lost a lot of weight are also ideal candidates for an inner thigh lift, typically done in combination with some other common cosmetic surgery procedures.
If you ask what can the inner thigh lift do for me, stand in front of a mirror and then pinch the skin of your inner thigh so you lift the skin toward your groin area. This gives you an approximate idea of what a thigh lift can do for you.
The outer thigh is treated quite often by liposuction. When the outer thigh skin sags, it is usually in combination with the buttocks. In this instance, the outer thigh lift is performed with a buttocks lift.
Thigh lift surgery may be done under general anesthesia or ‘twilight’ anesthesia. The procedure is performed under an out patient procedure. Thigh lift patients should arrive at the hospital one and a half hours prior to the scheduled surgery.
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