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The futures bright for plumbers
James Copper-5768
Plumbing courses can prepare you for a lifelong trade for which the outlook is very bright.
The United States Department of Labour says that the outlook is very good for those enrolling in plumbing courses because, quite simply, there are not enough students doing so which suggests a shortage of plumbers in the near future.
Plumbers, pipe layers, steam fitters and pipe fitters, all closely aligned, make up one of the highest paid and largest of the construction category of occupations in the United States.
There isnt much doubt that those plumbing courses you take will more than pay for themselves many times over.
Most people are familiar with the basics of residential plumbing, and the courses that would be taught in a trade school. Each of us, at one time or another, has either hired someone to install or repair a plumbing fixture or have had to tackle the task ourselves. We know, for example, that plumbing courses would need to teach how to install an appliance or unclog a drain. Other plumbing courses, however, include laying pipes, fitting water pipes and fitting steam pipes as well as maintaining and repairing each of these.
There are a lot of variations in the plumbing trade tasks and specializations, however. So, there are a variety of plumbing courses required to become a licensed plumbers. Some water systems, for example, not only work within a residential dwelling but may also move the water to a local water treatment plant and then on to residential as well as commercial buildings. They may also provide water for public and other government buildings too. Other systems, which also must be covered in plumbing courses, dispose of waste, provide gas to furnaces and ranges, or deliver heat and air conditioning. Power plant pipe systems deliver steam to huge turbines that create energy. Pipes are also found in manufacturing plants as a means of moving materials through the plants production process. All these methods of plumbing must be taught in courses.
Even computer-chip manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms have their own specialized system of pipes that must be installed, serviced and repaired. Plumbers must attend courses to learn how to do so.
Sometimes, a plumber might have to cut a hole in a ceiling, a floor or a wall of a home or commercial building. Plumbing courses must teach her or him how to do that safely and accurately. There are plumbing systems that require steel supports being hung from ceiling joists as a way of keeping the pipe in place. The plumber has to take the courses that teach him or her how to do that.
Plumbers need courses in using pipe cutters, saws, and machines that bend pipes. They need to learn how to work with plastic pip and connect the fittings and sections with adhesive. Some plumbing courses focus on copper pipe, while others teach the use and care of plastic pipe.
Plumbing courses are nearly as varied as the types of buildings people can dream up and construct.
James Copper is a writer for
where you can find out about
city and guilds plumbing courses
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