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Popular Ways To Deck Your Swimming Pool by Rob TraugottPool builders are not only experts in installing inground swimming pools but in designing and constructing aesthetically pleasing decks. The truth be told, we spend more time pool-side than in the pool itself and pool builders know this. Your pool builder will help you decide how large your pool deck should be. Allow enough space for all of your patio furniture, grill, planters and plenty of room to lounge and mingle with guests. Your pool builder may correctly tell you, that bigger is better, when it comes to planning your pool deck and lounging area.A professional pool builder will automatically orient your pool in regards to the sun and your personal preferences. After the pool placement and materials have been agreed upon, your pool builder will help you decide what type of decking and landscaping would best fulfill the vision that you have for your personal paradise.Some popular materials used by pool builders for practical and aesthetic reasons include; decorative concrete, composite material, gunite, teak, treated lumber, acrylic, exposed aggregate, natural stone, brick and tile to name but a few. Upkeep is an important part of selecting your pool deck material and your pool builder can inform you to the types of care required for different materials. For instance composite materials are man-made and are usually created to mimic the look of wood. They are made from several types of materials, such as, recycled wood, plastics and polymer resins. While they tend to be more expensive than treated lumber, they require less long-term maintenance.Your pool builder may recommend granite decking for its extreme durability and the fact that it only improves with age; although it can be expensive, it will last forever.Another popular choice with pool builders is concrete and gunite. There are many professional pool builders who specialize in concrete and gunite (a pneumatically applied concrete that is sprayed over a steel grid). Concrete and gunite are also wise choices if you are consulting with a pool builder about refinishing your deck or pool interior. These mediums allow your pool builder to pour the gunite or concrete directly over the old decking. The professional pool builder can texture the gunite or concrete to look like flagstone, slate and various other natural substances. Pool builders that specialize in gunite and concrete tend to be located in warmer states, as concrete and gunite may not be the best choices for colder climates; due to the possibility of cracking in extreme temperature shifts. Your pool builder can help you determine the best options for your particular area.Acrylic is another popular choice for pool builders as it is durable and can be made to look like natural stone, tile, or brick and is also available in numerous textures, colors and patterns.When you and your pool builder are planning your pool deck, be sure that your pool builder understands your vision, how much you entertain and be sure that your pool builder allows ample congregating space in the specialty areas like the barbeque and hot-tubs etc.Interview several pool builders before deciding on the one who will build your oasis; talk to previous customers of the pool builder and be sure you pick the pool builder with the best long-term satisfaction. The pool builder who gets your business should be the one who listens and assists you in making your vision become a wonderful reality.Rob Traugott serves as President of Laguna Pools, a premier pool and spa builder located in Katy, Texas. Laguna Pools has designed and built custom swimming pools, in the greater Houston area for over 30 years. Contact Rob Traugott at 281-392-8833 or visit http://www.lagunapools.comArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com