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Children Art Poster Artist Betsy Cameron
Nikul Vats
Betsy Cameron is a famous photographer and fine art print artist. She first created a Poster of her Photographic art in the year 1987 while she worked a Model with Ford Model Agency, New York. The photographs by Betsy Cameron very well capture the light hearted moments of children playing, often dressed up clothes which make them look innocent and too simple. Her first Poster was that of two children sitting on the sands looking out at the calm sea. This very simple yet suggestive poster of children became a Number One seller art print in the world and also happens to be listed as a Best Seller Art of major Poster and canvas prints web-store in India, USA and Asia named such as Art Emporio.
Betsy began her professional career as a Fashion model with Ford Model Agency New York. She worked with some o f the Finest Photographers of the World, appearing in leading Fashion magazines of those times. Her illustrious career in Modelling spanned for almost a Decade and was rising when she chooses to be on the other side of the camera. Her initial test shots included photographs of two young models which happened to appear in the Life Magazine, thus creating a lot of sensation and buzz about her entry into the world of photography.
Over the next few years Betsy had her photography work appear in leading magazines and journals of the world. It was in the year 1980 when she first accepted a challenging and unique task from United Nations High Commissions to photograph refugee camps in Cambodia as part of an initiative to help families resettle after the Cambodian War. This assignment was destined to change Betsy view about photography forever as she spent almost 3 years in the war stricken Cambodia photographing thousands of children who had been abandoned during the war and where separated from their families which could have been on any side of the Cambodian border. Her works where published in journals and magazines throughout the world while they were also sent across both sides of Borders to help families identify their children and unite. This effort of Betsy helped around 200 Kids to re-unite with their families and settle along with them which also got a lot of acclaim and praise from Humanitarians who recognize such efforts.
According to Betsy her life as a Mother also helped her realize the innocence and modesty of children and thus she began to photograph children in their pristine forms busy either in play works or socializing. She believed that having to tell a tale by the way of photographs of the most beautiful things that is Children has made her not only feel content but also get a lot of praise from friends and family. Today her art works are culminated as the most heart touching and endearing images of the world.
Betsy s work has been simple consisting of children and landscape images which appeal to both the young and old alike.
Nikul Vats is an avid writer on Art and Wall Decor industry in India. He is also the Founder of Art Emporio.com that offers