By MiShaun Taylor
Head lice are a problem that many people will have to deal with, especially if they have younger children who are in school. School is one of the most likely places to catch head lice. Luckily, there is a wide array of head lice treatments that will help you to rid yourself of these little pests. Cetaphil is one way that many people are doing this.
Cetaphil is actually a skin cleanser, but it has been found effective for head lice infestations. Here is how you perform the Cetaphil head lice treatment. First you will use a fine-tooth comb to go through the hair. This removes as many of the live lice as possible before you begin the treatment. Then, you can go through the hair section by section in order to apply the Cetaphil to the hair. Massage the Cetaphil into every single strand of hair. It is extremely important to get every part covered because just one louse left uncovered can cause a re-infestation. Massage the Cetaphil into the hair and the scalp.
After you have covered every single strand of hair as well as the scalp, you will then use the comb to go back through the hair and remove the excess lotion. Comb through the hair and wipe the excess lotion on a towel or cloth. After all of the excess lotion is removed, you need to blow-dry the hair. It is very important that you use the hottest setting. This part of the treatment takes the longest, as the Cetaphil takes a long time to dry, but you must be sure that every bit of the hair and the lotion is dry. As the lotion dries, it forms a thick crust that covers the hair strands as well as any head lice that remain. This stops the lice from getting air, which suffocates them.
Head lice can survive for around six hours without air, so this treatment must be left on for six to eight hours – overnight is best. I have to stress again that all the hair and lotion must be dry. When the lotion has been on the head for eight hours, you can thoroughly rinse the hair and go back through it with a clean, fine-tooth comb. Remove any head lice you see and any eggs you can find. It is also important that you treat the bedding, carpets, throw pillows, scarves, and all hair accessories.
To treat any items that are washable, you can run them through the washer in hot water. After washing, place them in the dryer on the hottest setting for 30 minutes to an hour. This kills lice and their eggs. Another thing you want to do is treat the hairbrushes, combs, hair clips, and other accessories. You can soak these in boiling hot water with a bit of soap in it, or simply throw them away and purchase new ones. These tips and tricks along with the Cetaphil treatment can help you effectively get rid of head lice.
About the Author: MiShaun Taylor is a published author and owner of
. This informative website provides readers with quality information about home remedies, over-the-counter and prescription medications for treating lice. In addition, you’ll also find louse and lice removal products that work.
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