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Submitted by: Melvin Boughton
Come December, the season of festivities and we all gorge on those chocolates, mince pies and puddings, the results of which go straight to our already exceeding waistlines. The endless Christmas parties, drinking and merry making is all part of the celebration and we fully indulge in it because, hey, it only comes once a year.
After the parties are over and we have seen the New Year in over champagne and chocolates we start thinking of all the pounds we have piled on in the last month. Then comes the standard resolution.
Every year we make a New Years Resolution about losing weight and trying to eat healthy and exercise. To keep that resolution we even pay a hefty membership fee for joining the gym as a motivation to make sure that we keep our end of the bargain. That resolution stays for all of two days and the third day the motivation to go to the gym goes out of the window because you are too tired or you have come home late from work or you have a million and one things to do, the list is endless. There goes your membership money down the drain because I can assure you that after that first day of missing your fitness regime, it rather becomes a habit not to go.
You are not the only one. Have a chat with your friends and you will see that your routine is very familiar. Everyone wants to become healthy but the time or the motivation is no longer there.
However that is not to say the will is not there. Sometimes you are at home with a bit of spare time, and you want to exercise but you do not want to go to the gym. What is the solution for this? The Uber app clone off course.
Yes, you are reading it correctly. However, it is not the on-demand taxis I am talking about this time. Nor am I talking of a taxi taking you to and from the gym. I am talking about an on-demand fitness instructor.
The name Uber is synonymous to on-demand taxis but the on-demand concept today has moved far beyond the world of taxis. A whole sector of services has today been uberised, thanks to the Uber app clone. Now with the world population thinking about healthy living and eating and exercising, it only makes sense to have an on-demand fitness app and get your workout as and when in the comforts of your own home.
So many people out there want to work out in the comforts of their home but cannot find a trainer to do it. Similarly there are many fitness trainers, trained and untrained who are jobless or do not want to work the hours that are usually associated with working in a gym.
Instructors looking for clients register their details on the app. People who are looking to have a workout just log on to the app and see if an instructor is available in the local vicinity. If there is one available, they request that instructor to come round. The instructor accepts the job and the client gets his workout sorted.
Although it is on-demand, you can also book workouts well in advance, depending on your schedule. As easy as that, you no longer have to worry about gym fees, schedules, and making the time to go for your workout because the workout now comes to you at your availability.
Thanks to the concept of on-demand instructors you can plan your fitness regime on your time. Not only that it is overall a better alternative than paying the ridiculous gym membership fees.
As more and more people become aware for the need to exercise and lead a healthy life, the demand for such services is increasing. When you Buy Uber App Script, you provide a platform for all these fitness freaks to find their instructors and vice versa.
The healthy aspect for you is not only from a fitness point of view, for you as an entrepreneur it means a healthy pocket too. For every fitness session booked via your site, you get a set commission. Isnt that just a healthy way of making money?
Start thinking on how you can make your pocket healthy by investing in this little healthy venture. Fitness for life!
About the Author: Melvin Boughton is a reliable user of Uber App Clone, and has been associated with such application for years. He knows the knick-knacks of these apps, and would like to share some here.More Info:
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