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By David Ledoux
Video marketing is hot for your online business and for good reason. When compared to traditional sales messages, video is the hands-down winner for grabbing the readers attention. If your return on investment (ROI) is not converting enough cash, you need a stronger call-to-action. Adding video to your website may just be the shot in the arm your sagging sales need.
Check it out: Youve got about seven seconds to catch your website visitors interest with an attention-grabbing headline. Every word counts. When a visitor scans the page and quickly clicks off the site, this is known as the seven second death. Ouch! The way to avoid this from happening is to find a way to hook the reader and pull him into your sales message right away. You can quickly pique your visitors curiosity by adding video to your landing page.
Video is powerfully persuasive in the buying process. In fact, some studies reveal that it is as much as 72% more effective than print media alone. Because it adds a faceyour face to the product, it also increases trust with your buyers. This is an absolute must in internet marketing if you want staying power over the long run.
To supercharge your sales message, consider taking it one step further. Adding video testimonials from satisfied customers is another way to build trust with your target market. Call these video testimonials Success Stories, and let your customers do the talking. By changing the word Testimonials to Success Stories, most marketers find that their profits increase significantly.
According to the Wharton School of Business, video enhances comprehension 50% in comparison to a live presentation. Thats why videos work. For multi-channel marketing, theyre powerfully effective. The next time you turn on your television, observe the number of advertisements that prompt the viewer to order a free, no obligation video to learn more about a product. This tactic is not only effective for list building. It also increases the likelihood that the customer will view the video, and testing reveals that up to 97% of consumers will eventually watch it. Online marketers are now using what offline marketers have known for years: Video marketing works.
There are other ways to integrate video into your online business aside from adding it to your website. You can also offer it as an opt-in incentive to people who sign up for your mailing list. Once youve captured your site visitors name and e-mail address, send a link to the video in an e-mail. The video should contain information that is timely and valuable to the target market.
When it comes to taking your online business to the next level, break free from the chains of one-dimensional selling. Studies have shown that online video significantly increases conversion rate over sales copy alone. RememberUse the same sales strategies that you use with sales copy. Sell the sizzle not the steak, and end with a strong call to action that gives your website visitor a strong incentive to buy.
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Do you own a small business? New report reveals how to grow sales, increase profits, and make more money while working less.
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